Saturday, 4 June 2011

Sora unwell.....元気がでない…

Unfortunately Sora has developed some pain in either one of her front legs, of maybe more likely in her ribcage area. It developed yesterday for no obvious reason. At its worst it caused her cry out in pain, and at other times its making her uncomfortable and stopping her sleeping. This morning she was no better so we took her to the vet. After a pain reducing injection we returned home and after some time she is finally sleeping, half in and half out of her bed! We are hoping to hear back from either the local vet or the specialist in Matamata. Whether this is in anyway related to her spinal problems is unknown at this stage. We are sitting at home worrying about her and wondering how much misfortune can befall one little puppy. 元気のないソラ、痛みに耐えているソラ、目から光が消えた子犬を見てるのはつらいです。彼女のほうがもっとつらいと思うし、この一週間、よく色んなことに小さな身体で耐えていると思います。この痛みが、ソラのしょっている神経系の異常と関係しているのかは不明。