Saturday, 11 June 2011

Morning market... 土曜の朝市

This morning Sora visited the Saturday morning market. Its a real draw card for  dog owners as the organiser is dog-friendly.  Several people asked about her health as the shaved patch on her back was very obvious. She barked at a lot of dogs which wasn't good, but when she actually met them she was very friendly. リバーサイドの朝市へのお出かけは、土曜の恒例行事になりつつあります。 主催者が犬好きなせいかどうか、他にも犬を連れてきている人たちがいっぱいで、犬の社交場? ソラは襟巻きをしてお出かけ?首から肩にかけて白っぽい毛におおわれてます(今の所…また変わるかも?)。眉間にいつもしわがよってるせいか、大人顔?