It's snowing today, not here in the town, but outside of the town, Kinloch, Wairakei and so on. We can see snow on the hill from here. We saw a car covered with the snow, which was parked just a minute walk from here. The owner of the car must live somewhere out there. I was not sure Sora could recognise snow, but I'm sure she will enjoy playing in the snow. 今朝は、雪の積もった丘を見に散歩に行きました。 Sのオフィスのあるワイラケイでは、雪が降っているとのこと。 いっぱい着込んで出掛けたけど、思ったほど寒くはなく、カメラ片手に朝の散歩を楽しんでいる人が結構いました。 |