Saturday, 2 July 2011

Nap time ... 昼寝は重要な日課…

Its Saturday so Sora slept till almost 7 am. After Sora's breakfast we went into town to buy some pastry for our breakfast. Once we started eating Sora retired to bed for a nap. When we eat she usually does this so we can usually eat in peace. As she has never received any food from us while we are eating she doesn't really associate our eating with the chance to get something else herself. This afternoon we went to the park for 2 hours to watch running. Sora enjoyed all the activity, but is now very tired and having her afternoon nap. ソラは、少しづつでは、ありますが、良い習慣(私達にとって)を身に着けつつあります。  お陰で、ゆっくりと食事をとれることが、多くなりました。 夕食時は、さらなるワインがすすみます。 ただ、ソラがまったく、人間の食べ物に興味がない?というのは、私達の期待感が勝っているかも? 午後のクロスカントリィの観戦は、大きな公園での催しだったので、ソラも楽しめたかと思います。