Saturday, 14 January 2012

You are our little sunshine..... 向日葵の花のよう...

This morning Sora was impatient for us to get out of bed and once we were walking was in a hurry, even after a run on the park. We finally got her to rest a little while and pose for a photo next to a sunflower. Sora, you are our sunshine.... 犬に週日と週末の区別はつかない! 執拗なペロペロ、ポンポン(前足で)が、ベッドの両サイドを行き来することしばし。 いつもより、30分長く寝ていられれば御の字? 7時前の街はほとんど人影無しで静か...公園の花壇の向日葵がやけにまぶしく... ソラの朝の溌剌と元気な様子と重なります。