Thursday, 5 January 2012

When its hot.....2 暑い日は...夕涼み

When it's hot, we open the French window in the evening and let breeze through in from the screen door.  Sora's sitting in front of the screen, enjoying the sniff of cool air and bird song.s.  We're sometimes surprised how she has learnt sitting quietly by herself.  We were wondering whether we can use the screen door this summer, as she had found out how to open it so quickly as a small puppy last summer.  She seems not knowing how to open it anymore...  夕涼みは、大きな網戸の前に座って、物思いにふける?のがソラ流... 去年の夏、家に来てすぐに、バンと大きな前足で網戸をたたいて開けることを憶えてしまい、今夏はどうしようか?と思ってたけど、忘れてしまったよう。。。逆に、Mの投げたボールがうっかり網戸に当たって、バーンと開いてしまった時、そばにいたソラは、飛びのいて玄関の方へ隠れてしまいました。