After a long walk in the forest this morning Sora was 'pooped' and enjoyed sleeping in the living room. Notice her left 'wrist'. When she sleeps one wrist is often like this. She is very flexible, maybe something to do with why she scuffs her front nails. Anyway, Sora had a nice time in the forest and enjoyed relaxing afterwards. 眠るのが一番…でも、耳はなかなか完全にはシャットされていないようで、、よっぽど熟睡してない限りは、私達のどちらかが、外へ行くような気配を感じると、すっくと起き上がります。 そう、前足の関節の柔軟性がありすぎる!?のでしょうか、こんな感じに寝ていることが度々。 |