Monday, 30 January 2012

At the park.... 公園にて...

Sora and S went down to the park yesterday afternoon to watch cricket. She was mostly interested in other things, but did occasionally watch the game, till she was distracted by something else. そう、このピンと立った耳が、なにかに集中してることを意味してるけど、この耳、レーダーのように90度まで回転します?
The same park looked very different when Sora and S were there this morning. Sora really enjoys this park as it is large and she can run around like a mad thing. 足長おじさんと足長犬のペア?...消防署の後ろの公園は、ソラが自由に走れ回れる場所のひとつ(ドッグランエリアではありませんが...)

Friday, 27 January 2012


Some time patience is needed to photograph Sora.  Every time S  got Sora to sit and then bent down to take a photo she came over and jumped on him. After about 5 or 6 attempts Sora eventually got it right. Thanks Sora! 子犬(多分2歳近くになるまでは呼んでもよいのかな?)は、ポーズを知りません。 寝っころがってカメラを構えてるSのほうが、じっとして見つめてるより、面白そうなのは自然なこと... この写真は、暗雲?を背景にちょっとかっこいいかな?

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Multi tasking ... やっぱり、女の子?

After a busy morning Sora couldn't decide if she wanted to play with her duck toy or sleep, so she did both! As we have said several times before Sora likes destroying toys. Interestingly her duck is a toy she has had since she was very young and it is still in one piece, maybe because it is usually in the car. We hope she doesn't get a taste for it. このアヒルの縫いぐるみは、ソラが家に来る前にもらったもので、ソラより前にブログに登場してます。 口に入れて、寝てる様子は、ハンティングに出かけて、ご主人様のしとめた鴨を取ってきた賢い猟犬のようでもある? この後は、まくらにして寝てましたが…。 また、片方の前足がくねっとしてますね。

Monday, 16 January 2012

Waiting for returning family .... 犬は待つことができる?

M and a visiting friend went out to a concert. Although it was Sora's dinner time she just waited near the door for them to return. Good girl Sora! ご主人様が帰るまでは、食事にも手をつけず(←これは?いつもではないかも?)玄関で、こうやってボーッと一見、退屈げに待つソラ。

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Tired after long forest walk...... 疲れた時は…

After a long walk in the forest this morning Sora was 'pooped' and enjoyed sleeping in the living room. Notice her left 'wrist'. When she sleeps one wrist is often like this. She is very flexible, maybe something to do with why she scuffs her front nails. Anyway, Sora had a nice time in the forest and enjoyed relaxing afterwards. 眠るのが一番…でも、耳はなかなか完全にはシャットされていないようで、、よっぽど熟睡してない限りは、私達のどちらかが、外へ行くような気配を感じると、すっくと起き上がります。 そう、前足の関節の柔軟性がありすぎる!?のでしょうか、こんな感じに寝ていることが度々。

Saturday, 14 January 2012

You are our little sunshine..... 向日葵の花のよう...

This morning Sora was impatient for us to get out of bed and once we were walking was in a hurry, even after a run on the park. We finally got her to rest a little while and pose for a photo next to a sunflower. Sora, you are our sunshine.... 犬に週日と週末の区別はつかない! 執拗なペロペロ、ポンポン(前足で)が、ベッドの両サイドを行き来することしばし。 いつもより、30分長く寝ていられれば御の字? 7時前の街はほとんど人影無しで静か...公園の花壇の向日葵がやけにまぶしく... ソラの朝の溌剌と元気な様子と重なります。

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Serial toy-killer ああ、またやっちゃったのね...

Murder investigation?  Who kills who?  ...Well, our Sora's got a habit of decomposing(!?) her new toy into bits with her strong teeth these days.  Usually, it doesn't take a long for her, maybe 30 minutes or so?  She's happy sleeping now after her destructive activity!?  ソラの新しいおもちゃの寿命は短い(そのままの形を保つ)... ああ、わかっていることだから、もう買うのはよそうと思うのだけど、ついつい新しいおもちゃで、”噛むのが好きな犬に適してる”とかうたってあると、ついつい... Mは自分でも甘いなぁ~と思うのだけど...

Thursday, 5 January 2012

When its hot.....2 暑い日は...夕涼み

When it's hot, we open the French window in the evening and let breeze through in from the screen door.  Sora's sitting in front of the screen, enjoying the sniff of cool air and bird song.s.  We're sometimes surprised how she has learnt sitting quietly by herself.  We were wondering whether we can use the screen door this summer, as she had found out how to open it so quickly as a small puppy last summer.  She seems not knowing how to open it anymore...  夕涼みは、大きな網戸の前に座って、物思いにふける?のがソラ流... 去年の夏、家に来てすぐに、バンと大きな前足で網戸をたたいて開けることを憶えてしまい、今夏はどうしようか?と思ってたけど、忘れてしまったよう。。。逆に、Mの投げたボールがうっかり網戸に当たって、バーンと開いてしまった時、そばにいたソラは、飛びのいて玄関の方へ隠れてしまいました。 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

When its hot.....暑い日は...

When its hot Sora retreats to the tiled floor. Its on the cooler side of the house and especially good in afternoons. ああ、タイルの冷たさがここちいい、とっても気持ち良さそうに昼寝中!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sora-chan, Happy New Year! 新年明けましておめでと、ソラちゃん!

Sora went out with S for an early morning 2012 walk. The recent rain was absent but Sora had to run home the last few metres to avoid getting very wet. 元旦の朝はどんより、どうにかS&Sの朝の散歩はここ連日の雨をまぬがれたかと思いきや、家まであとちょっとのとこでザァザァ降りに、新年からびしょびしょも嫌なのでダッシュ...でも、やはり濡れてしまった...
A couple of hours later M & S took Sora to the forest for 3/4 hr. It was very wet under foot, but Sora had no problems with 4PD (four paw drive). 朝食後、森へ散歩。 雨で少しぬかるんでいたり、道が崩れてたり!葉っぱの重みで傾いてる木があったりだけど、なんとか、二人と一匹転ばずに、すがすがしい空気と活き活きとした緑の中の散歩を楽しみました。 いいイオンがいっぱい?