We had first snows here in the town this morning, not only Sora but even S & M have never seen snow fall in the garden. Sora looked a bit confused. She wasn't in a playful mode at all. She rather timidly joined S who was taking photos of the snow. The snow didn't settle, but we had sleet and hailstorm, as well, today. 南極からの冷たい前線に覆われて、雪嵐がそこかしこ。 まさか、タウポの街にまで雪が降るとは思わなかったけど...ソラの反応は???なんだかわからない?って感じ。 庭に出したら、最初は、雪をさけて歩いてました。 くん、くんと雪の匂いは嗅いでいたけど、童謡にあるように、嬉しそうにかけまわったりはせず、すぐに、家の中へ... |