We had a picnic on the beach at Hatepe, a small settlement, about 25km south of Taupo this afternoon. Maybe only M had a peaceful picnic, as S was so busy with Sora. He was walking her on the beach and even trying to teach her how to swim. Although Sora loves running along the beach, she was very tentative to go into the water at start. She managed to swim eventually (!?) about 1m from the shore. 今日はHatepeでピクニック。 穏やかな春の陽気に誘われて、私達の他にもピクニックをする人、ビーチを歩く人、腰まで水につかって、鱒釣りをする人などさまざま。 風もなく、ソラの泳力を試すのに絶好の機会か?と思ったけど... なんとか、足のつくとこまで投げた棒をとってくるのにとどまりました。 |