Thursday, 11 August 2011

Sniffing 春の香り

Sora's admiring (?) flowers of the dwarf iris; they've just started flowering.  She had been quite a gardener (i.e. digger or destroyer), but we think she's gradually learning how to behave in the garden.  She's still a bit nosy, though. Maybe, we're too optimistic? Anyway, it's nice to spend time pottering around the garden with her, when it's warm and sunny. そろそろ、春先の球根の花が、庭のあちこちで咲き始めました。 ここ数日、天気のいい日も続き(今日は、小雨が降りましたが)、ソラと一緒に庭に出て、冬でも元気な雑草や、湿った天気ではびこってしまった苔を取ったり。 ポトンポトンとあちこちに落ちている椿の花をひろったりしてると、冬も、もう一息かなぁ?と希望的観測。