Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Cannot deliver parcel as you have a dog......ガードドッグ!?

The other day we got a note in the post. Our postie couldn't deliver a parcel as we had a dog. Sora was at home on her own and the postie was too scared to lean across and put the parcel in our mail box. This is pretty common. We had to go and pick up the parcel. S talked with the postie the next day. Apparently Sora sat there very quietly but the postie wanted to 'play it safe'. Just one of pleasures of having a dog!  子犬(?)ソラを恐れた郵便屋さん。。。せっかく友達が送ってくれた小包が、郵便発送センターへ戻ってしまい、週越え。 クスン。クスン。...これで2回目。 今回は、本当にソラがいたけど、 前の時は、ソラを連れて出て、ゲートも開いていて、なのに”犬がいるので配達できない”のメッセージカード...信じられません...