Saturday, 12 November 2011

After a busy day.... お昼寝は犬小屋で…

Sora woke at her usual 5.30 am this morning. She was out walking at  6 am (care of S rising early, as usual). After breakfast she had 10-15 mins dozing and then bothered the adults while they ate. Then out gardening for 2 hours, followed by a walk to the park. By this time she was getting a little tired - thankfully. She hasn't taken to sleeping in her kennel (we don't know why) but during the day she sometimes sleeps inside - as she is doing now. Cute!  週末はいつも忙しい…S中心の生活。 普段の日のMとのペースとえらい違いです。 いつもだったら午前と午後にそれぞれ1時間から2時間ぐらい眠るんだけど、それがなかなかできないソラ。 しかし、ついにエネルギー切れ? 普段、夜に使ったためしのない犬小屋で。。。ぐっすりと眠れたかな?(実はほんの30分でした) それにしても、お昼寝中の写真が多い…フォーカスがあわせやすいですものね。