Sora's got a certificate from her basic obedience class last night, but not the certificate for passing through the basics, though. Actually no dog passes first time, apparently that's normal. What frustrated us is that she can do all the requirements on her own, but not in the dog class environment. To tell the truth, after the glorious 7th class, she has lost her good reputation.... まだまだ、他の犬達の中で、落着いて、集中することができないソラ。 過去二回のクラスの後は、帰ってきたらすごすごと、犬小屋へ。 ソラ自身も、わかっているのだと思います。 いつの日にかSをもう一度ほこらしげにさせて欲しいなぁ。 | | |