Sunday, 24 April 2011

Enjoying autumn 葉っぱの海です

We again took advantage of the long Easter weekend and took Sora out sightseeing. I think something we are both enjoying is talking to the many people who stop to greet her. Those we spoke to today included a family who are thinking of getting a dog, a lady with a small white dog that snarled at Sora, and a couple from Perth.
Tomorrow is Sora's 3-month birthday. That means she must be registered. In effect that means we have to pay our local council so we can have a dog. Not that we get anything from the council for our money, it just helps them fund their dog control operations against those who don't register their dogs! But tomorrow is a public holiday and the council is closed; Sora will therefore get one day free!  今日は、リバーサイドパーク~ヨットハーバーをお散歩。子
犬はお得?簡単に知らない人ともコミュニケーションがとれて羨ましいナ。枯葉の海は大きい!?いつもは、枯葉をガサゴソするのが好きなソラもただ、ふと座るばかりです。 それにしても、お役所仕事のことは、我関せず。