We have just noticed that Sora's coat is starting to change from puppy hair to adult dog hair. We first noticed she was starting to moult and then that the black hair on her back was thinker and more shiny. It looks very beautiful but soon we are going to start picking up her fallen hair! ああ、掃除機泣かせの日々の始まりです。心なしかとっても大人っぽい感じのソラ。でも、今日の風の音は怖かったねぇ…びくびくびく…お昼寝がまともにできなかったのは、やはり、まだまだ子犬ざかり?念願のパピースクール一日目は、強風による停電のために延期…ちょっとがっかり。 |