Saturday, 30 April 2011

Chasing white waves... 波を追いかけて

We went to the beach late afternoon,  Sora was quite tired till we reached the beach, but fresh water woke her up.  She  jumped in and out of the water at full speed.

Patient girl 私待ってます

She's waiting patiently outside our bedroom. Its 50:50 if she'll wait or get up to mischief.  どのくらいなら、”スティ”のコマンドに従っていられるのかなぁ?

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Changing coat  衣替え?もう秋ですものね・・・

We have just noticed that Sora's coat is starting to change from puppy hair to adult dog hair. We first noticed she was starting to moult and then that the black hair on her back was thinker and more shiny. It looks very beautiful but soon we are going to start picking up her fallen hair! ああ、掃除機泣かせの日々の始まりです。心なしかとっても大人っぽい感じのソラ。でも、今日の風の音は怖かったねぇ…びくびくびく…お昼寝がまともにできなかったのは、やはり、まだまだ子犬ざかり?念願のパピースクール一日目は、強風による停電のために延期…ちょっとがっかり。

Monday, 25 April 2011

Punga - a new friend 新しい友達 - カフェ友?パンガ

Today was still a holiday so after walking we went to a nearby cafe. Sora met Punga who is a very friendly labrador - huntaway cross. Sora is doing really well with her meetings with other dogs - we are very pleased.ちょっと早いかなぁ?と思ったけど、ソラの最初のカフェデビュー。今日は、ANZAC Day ニュージーランドとオーストラリアにとっては、特別の戦争記念日、ほとんどのお店は午前中は閉まっているので、街中は静か。でも、そのカフェは比較的混んでいて、外のテーブルは唯一、パンガのお隣のテーブルが空いているのみ。最初は、どうかなぁ?思ったけど。◎。パンガは2歳だというのに、とっても落ち着いていて、ちょっと大人の風格のかっこいいお兄さんでした。

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Enjoying autumn 葉っぱの海です

We again took advantage of the long Easter weekend and took Sora out sightseeing. I think something we are both enjoying is talking to the many people who stop to greet her. Those we spoke to today included a family who are thinking of getting a dog, a lady with a small white dog that snarled at Sora, and a couple from Perth.
Tomorrow is Sora's 3-month birthday. That means she must be registered. In effect that means we have to pay our local council so we can have a dog. Not that we get anything from the council for our money, it just helps them fund their dog control operations against those who don't register their dogs! But tomorrow is a public holiday and the council is closed; Sora will therefore get one day free!  今日は、リバーサイドパーク~ヨットハーバーをお散歩。子
犬はお得?簡単に知らない人ともコミュニケーションがとれて羨ましいナ。枯葉の海は大きい!?いつもは、枯葉をガサゴソするのが好きなソラもただ、ふと座るばかりです。 それにしても、お役所仕事のことは、我関せず。

Saturday, 23 April 2011

A really busy day 週末は大忙し

Today Sora had a really busy day. M had something on out of town so Sora went along and got to meet lots of people, including some new doggie friends. Taro (labrador) and Momo (golden retriever) made her welcome at their house, though she wasn't so happy when Momo chased her round the garden! Actually Taro and Momo were really great with her and didn't mind Sora in their house at all. Earlier Sora met Khan (Hungarian vizsla) at the mall. She also met lots of people, at the lake and at the mall, who stopped to say hi. Its really good she can meet lots of new people and dogs when she goes out, she's just very tired by the end of the day. 今日は、お兄さんお姉さん達に遊んでもらって大満足のソラでした。 みんな優しいナ! あれ、でも、ちょっと顔に疲れがでてるかな?なにぶん小さな身...ちょっとアンバランスなボディなので...

Friday, 22 April 2011

One month....一ヶ月......

Her first day and today. One month between these photos. Everyone says how quickly she is growing and here is the evidence. But which do you think is the cutest? 

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Final vaccinations! やったぁ!

Today Sora had the last of her puppy vaccinations. She won't actually be fully covered for a couple of weeks, once today's vaccination takes effect, but we decided to celebrate with a trip out.   ソラは立派でした。吠えもせず、泣きもせず、診察中のこの表情…みればわかりますよね(親ばか)ちょっと、図太いとこがあるのかも…知れません。

Lots of new things to see and smell in the outside world. She got quite tired as its quite a long way with short legs. 私たちにとっても久しぶりの、お散歩&カフェランチ@Kinloch (タウポから車で20kmのヴィレッジ)その後は、Sのたっての希望でワイラケイ近くで栗拾い。今年の栗は大粒!ソラはその頃には、お疲れで、貪欲に栗を拾う(←S)私たちを横目に寝転んでるだけでした。

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


We have some doubt about her taste buds. Bitter spray won't stop her from chewing things, we've tried the spray on electrical cords, didn't work.  Now, we've sprayed her leash to prevent her from chewing it while walking, well, it doesn't work either, so what else?  M tried lemon juice yesterday, but Sora licked it....もしかして、味覚がないのでは?という疑問がフツフツと...嗅覚は抜群なんだけど...次は、唐辛子か、マスタードという候補があるけど...期待薄。

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Little Monster(a)? 怪獣ソラ?

Two little friends visited with their mum this morning. Sora had a great time running round. And the kids enjoyed it too!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Trainee weimaraner? どんな犬?

Sora really likes her duck toy. Maybe she's really a weimaraner rather than a german shepherd?

Friday, 15 April 2011

Rebell? ふてくされポーズ?

She's rather sleepy actually, it's sort of morning teatime and she's lying under the chair, one of her favorite spot in the garden.  She needs a lot of sleep, otherwise she can be very...well, difficult puppy. いっぱい眠らないと駄目、頭の中がごちゃごちゃ、もやもや...になるんです。。。どっちが?だろう?!M&S

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Two for two....耳が立ったぁ!

Wow, we've noticed that both of Sora's ears are standing this morning.  There was also significant event...we were be able to sleep until 5 am, without waking up to take her pee-pee.  ソラちゃん大きくなったねぇって何人かの人に言われました、伸び盛り!?赤ちゃん+幼児+小学生同時進行だったソラだけど、赤ちゃん脱皮かなぁ?

Monday, 11 April 2011

Waiting ...... 待っています......

Patiently waiting for 6 pm - dinner time.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

I'm already 10 kg!....... もう10キロ!.....

I've been here for 3 weeks and have already grown from 7 kg to 10 kg! Am I going to be a big girl or what?

Saturday, 9 April 2011

A new friend....... 新しい友達.......

Today Sora made a new friend, Milly who lives nearby. Well sort of, Sora got growled at a few times, but all was fine.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Dinner..... ただいま食事中........

Dinner - how to eat as much as possible in the shortest possible time!

What are you waiting for...腹ペコ...ソラ

Around 4:30 pm, she's getting restless.  Not quite yet dinner time, though. 腹時計はもう6時です。遊びにも集中できません。

Thursday, 7 April 2011

It's time for bed ああ...もう眠くて眠くて

She's growing so fast, you see, but she still needs a cuddly.   眠る時は、どこかタッチしていたいソラ

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Gives warm greeting ”おかえりぃ~”

Sora has already started this ritual...どこかでみた風景

Monday, 4 April 2011

Still learning... 外は雨…

to be a good doggy mummy まだまだ道は長いかも

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Dear Missy 親愛なるミッシー

Sora's visited our old friend Missy who is very good with small ones. Sora looks like a bambi here.

A bit rude..., isn't it? ちょっと失礼!?


Carried in a backpack 抱っこされて...

Sora's first excursion...we visited 5 gardens nearby rural area.  She met many people and got many pats, as well.  初めての遠出(でもないか?)、色んな匂いを嗅いだね

Friday, 1 April 2011

Dogs whisper 犬の囁き

Sora's first small girl's talk, the other day, with Shaiya. She's a 3 year-old GR and so kind to little Sora.  なんなの?なんなの?