Wednesday, 21 March 2012

First swim in several days .... ケンネルの後のご褒美は?

Sora had four days at the kennel while we were away. They said how much her 'back end' had improved since she was there last (early December) so we were very pleased to hear that. Maybe part of the reason is Sora's fondness for swimming. Its a really good exercise with very little stress on her joints. So tonight she had her first swim in several days. We also saw a nice white-faced heron sitting on a rock. See Sora in the bottom left corner. 私達の遅めのサマーホリデーに合わせて、ソラも久々にケンネルで他の犬達に混じってきました。 このところ、久しぶりに会う人達から、ソラの背中、歩き方が前よりしっかりしてきたと言われます。 嬉しいことです。 水泳がソラのリハビリ?にいいのは確かだと思います。 それで、今晩は、ひさびさに、嵐のさった静かな湖でスイム。 その前にバードウオッチングも楽しみました。