When we first got Sora this ball months ago it had a squeeky - rattley thing inside but with her powerful jaws she soon crushed that part. She's continued to play with it and had a lot of fun, but over the last few weeks has gradually started to chew it. This is one of the last pictures before it became many tens of pieces! Sora now has two blue balls, one medium and one large, and two super strong chew bones - she destroyed everything else. Its becoming so hard to get her anything that will last more than a day or two. ソラのおもちゃが、大きな口で噛み噛みされて、どんどん消えていきます。 ボールは、投げてもらってキャッチするのが好きなくせに、ついつい誘惑に勝てず、噛みだしてしまうよう…それでも、小さな断片を私達のとこへ持ってきて、投げて… |