Saturday, 25 February 2012

Quiet now but..... 静かな時は静かです…

Sora was quiet and calm when we took this picture but unfortunately not always. This evening someone visited and she was barking, trying to jump up, and basically uncontrollable. We have to do something so that we can enjoy visitors. 言われて静かにできないのが今のソラの問題点。 特に、家にお客様とか、訪問者があったときに、吠える吠える。 番犬としては、合格かもしれないけど、こう煩いと××。 お客さまをもてなすこともできないし。。。Quiet! のコマンドをどのように教え込ませるのか? が重要な課題です。

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Swimming.... 泳げ泳げ…

Sora has suddenly learned to swim. After a couple of days of almost going in deep enough to swim, tonight M threw a pumice rock further and she finally swam! After that nothing could stop her. We couldn't get her out and when we wanted to go home she wouldn't get off the beach. ソラが突如泳ぎを覚えました。 教えられたわけでもなく、犬って本能的に犬掻きができるのでしょうか? 彼女は、本当に水が好きらしく、何度も何度も軽石を拾いに湖へ、ドボーン、バシャーン(とにかく、すごい勢いなんです)。 身体に少し問題があるソラにとっては、泳ぐのは身体に負担がかからずベストのエクササイズ。家に帰りたがらないのがたまにきず。

Saturday, 18 February 2012

At the beach.... 朝の湖岸風景…

Sora really likes going to the beach. As we've mentioned before she usually enjoys chasing waves, but this morning it was calm and she spent her time walking and playing with sticks. Beach time is usually in the morning before breakfast. After a nights sleep Sora is always full of beans and the beach is one of her favourite places.  このところ、日が昇るのが遅くなってきたことを感じます。 人間のコンパニオン達は、ついつい長くベッドにいたくなる…それでも、ソラの起床時間は変わりません… 湖では、波を追いかけるのが好きなようで、穏やかな水面には、それほど関心がなさそう…

Friday, 10 February 2012

Last gasp of the yellow ball.... ボールよボール…

When we first got Sora this ball months ago it had a squeeky - rattley thing  inside but with her powerful jaws she soon crushed that part. She's continued to play with it and had a lot of fun, but over the last few weeks has gradually started to chew it. This is one of the last pictures before it became many tens of pieces! Sora now has two blue balls, one medium and one large, and two super strong chew bones - she destroyed everything else. Its becoming so hard to get her anything that will last more than a day or two. ソラのおもちゃが、大きな口で噛み噛みされて、どんどん消えていきます。 ボールは、投げてもらってキャッチするのが好きなくせに、ついつい誘惑に勝てず、噛みだしてしまうよう…それでも、小さな断片を私達のとこへ持ってきて、投げて…

Monday, 6 February 2012

Holiday Monday, busy for Sora..... 週末は忙しい

Its been a holiday today so we got to do more things with Sora. In the morning we did our usual forest walk. M managed to get Sora to sit still on a small bridge so S could get her photo. She's panting as she spent most of the time running round with pine cones in her mouth. ソラはドライブも好きなよう…きっと森とかどこか遠くへ出かけられ、自由に走り回れるということが関連付けられているのかな?
Later in the day we went down to Motuoapa for a picnic. Sora took the opportunity to practice her 'bulldozer' drinking technique in the lake. タウポの街から、車で40分くらいのモチュオアパは、ハーバーにも葦が群生していたり、人も少なく(3連休の終わりの日だからか?)、のどかな風情。 ブルドーザー風に水をがぽがぽ飲むソラ。 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

After dinner snack... 噛み噛み...

While we were having dinner outside tonight Sora was happily lying on the grass munching on a pine cone. She is a real chewer, whether its a pine cone in the garden or one of her super tough chews inside. As she gets older she is spending more time by herself happily chewing. 眠るのも、噛むのも仕事ですから?インドア用のプラスチックの骨は、噛むようにデザインされてるから、強いし、ご飯のあとの歯茎のお掃除にも最適。 でも、松ぼっくりは、どうなのでしょう?脂がつきそうですが...