This morning we had an expedition into town to do some shopping. First to the photography studio to see a friend. Sora was invited up to see the owner. She must have been well-behaved as she was invited back! Then to the vets to buy a couple of things, and a chance to say hi to any dogs that happened to be there. Next was the bicycle shop. There she had wait outside and barked loudly for 5 mins while S was inside! As she'd been really good walking round town we came home via the lake. Sora had a great time running on the sand and splashing through the water. Now we are home she's really tired. Zzzzzzzzz. たった、2時間の間に、短い四つ足のソラのこなしたこととしては、距離も含めて、本当にお疲れだったと思う。結果として、午後は疲れすぎて眠るのにもぐずることに... |