Monday, 30 May 2011

Update from the vet.... 残念ながら…

The results of Sora's blood tests came back negative, which unfortunately means we still don't know the source of her walking and balance problem. She going back to see the specialist the day after tomorrow and will have another physical examination, x-rays, and probably a spinal tap. She will also be staying overnight. She's still her happy self which is good.  血液検査の結果は陰性。…ということは、神経系に問題がある可能性が濃厚になったということ。 予想していた結果だったので、落胆というより、これから、大変だろうけど、がんばらなくちゃ!という気持ちの方が強くなりました。

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Big drinker..... ごくん、ごくん…

Sora drinks a lot of water. Its probably because her diet is dried food and she needs a lot of water to keep a good balance. Since we removed the fence round the small ponds in the garden (because it could no longer keep her out!) she's taken to drinking from them when outside. Fortunately she hasn't yet acquired a taste for goldfish! まず、散歩から帰ると、池につっぱしって(速いスピードだと歩き方もなぜか普通?)水を飲むソラ。一番上から始まって一番下まで順番に水を飲んでゆきます。

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Sora's guardian angel....守護神ルマ

Did we tell you Sora has a guardian angel? This is Little Ruma. She's named after Ruma, our previous dog, and sits in the garden keeping an eye on young Sora and making sure she comes to no harm.  藤の木の根元にちょこんと座った、かわいい守護神。 前は、ソラの悪戯、やんちゃが、少しおさまりますようにとお願いしてたけど、今は、ソラの身体が普通にもどりますようにと願ってます。

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Who says I'm sick?.....身体の動きは変だけど…

They are telling me I'm sick, but I feel fine! Certainly it doesn't affect my appetite. I always know when its food time and you can usually find me waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for my biscuits. Today M taught me to drop things I'm holding in my mouth. At least I do it when I want to! Ha ha.  救われるのは、ソラ自体は、いつもどおりにハイスピリットであること。食欲もいつも通りだし、好奇心も旺盛。新しいワザ?!(コマンド)も、習得してます。 悪戯もいつものよう(もっとかなぁ?)体or神経に異常があるかもしれないことを考えると、甘くなってしまいそうだけど、やはり、先々のためにちゃんと”してはいけないこと”は教えていかなくてはと…

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Visits to the vet..... 獣医さんに診てもらうことに…

For the last 2-3 weeks Sora has been walking a little oddly and her feet have been sliding on our tiled kitchen  floor. After seeing the vet yesterday we took her to a specialist in Matamata today. It appears to be a problem with her nerve system, possibly caused by inflammation resulting from an infection. She had some blood taken for a test. If the results come back positive she can start a course of medicine. If negative more invasive tests are required. We should know in a few days. 2,3週間くらい前から、どこかソラ歩き方が、変だなぁと思っていたのですが、成長過程でおこることかもしれないと良い方向にとろうとしていたのですが、どうにも心配で地元の獣医さんに昨日診てもらいました。 大型犬によくある腰の骨の異常にしては、症状がでるのが早過ぎると思っていたのですが、どうも神経系統のほうに問題があるらしく、今日の専門医の診断で、いくつかの可能性が提示されましたが、今は血液検査の結果待ちです。ソラは、昨日、今日と本当にストレスフルな検診とか血液を採ったりとかにも、泣き喚きもせず子犬としては、立派の限り。飼い主たちのほうがドキドキハラハラ、眠れなかったり、胃が痛かったりで、なさけないかも…

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Daz & Gus 父と息子です…

Today Sora visited two of her cousins, Daz (left) and Gus (right). Stitch was away duck shooting so missed out on Sora's visit. There was a lot of barking at the start, mainly from Sora, and a bit of rough playing from Gus at one time, but they are actually the best of friends. If you look carefully you can see Sora in the back seat of the car. She'd been getting a bit tired so she was having a 'time out'.  最初は、どうなるかなぁ?とちょっと心配でしたが、オールドボーイズは、チビ(彼らから見れば?)のソラを快く、迎えてくれました。  特に、ガスは、ソラともっと遊びたかったよう? オーナーによると、今のガスの中でのブームは、尻尾をキャッチして遊ぶことらしく、ソラの長い尻尾は格好の?

Big girl now..... どんどん大きくなるね

With her shadow for company Sora now looks like a very big girl. 車用のハーネスもMサイズから、いきなりXLサイズになりました。少し胸周りに余裕があるけど、付け心地はこちらの方が良さそうです。

Thursday, 19 May 2011

At the beach .... 風にも負けず

Sora investigating something odd down at the beach. The lake was rough today so she was running round in the edge of the water getting very excited.  冷たい風もなんのその、子犬は、やはり好奇心の塊。 よっぽど走り回って疲れたのか?  午後はほとんどお昼寝状態のソラでした。

Tooth fairy....歯が抜けたょ~

Sora has been teething for a week or so now. Last week we noticed she was chewing her special chew toys more often and then that she had lost one of her front teeth. This morning S noticed she had lost another tooth and rescued it to put under her pillow for the tooth fairy. What does the tooth fairy bring little puppies? こちらでは、抜けた乳歯を枕の下において寝ると、翌日には、歯の妖精が、コインに変えてくれるという言い伝えがあるみたいです。日本だと?屋根に向かって投げる? 子犬とか子猫の歯が入れ替わる時、乳歯はどうなるのかな? 飲んじゃうんじゃない?食べちゃうんじゃない?という疑問があったんですが…たまには…?!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Riverside Market, best socializing place...マーケット大好き!

One of important outings on weekend is going to the market and see many dogs and people.  She's already made several friends there. 何も予定のない土曜は、マーケットで散歩。 とにかく犬を連れている人が多いのにびっくり。出店の間の狭い通路ですれ違いも、とどこおりなく犬同士の挨拶。知らず知らずのうちに、小さい子を喜ばせていたりもするソラでした。 マーケット好きのMにとっても、”ソラのため”ということで大手を振って来られるので◎

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

what are you looking at? ..... 何を見ている?

Sometimes Sora doesn't look happy being photographed.
Today M taught Sora how to shake hands. "Sora paw.....".

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Oscar..... オスカー

Oscar lives at a nearby motel . We were walking by when he barked so we went over to say hello. Oscar used to know Ruma so today was sort like renewing an old friendship. Thanks Oscar!  オスカーはとってもフレンドリーだけど、ミステリアス。ある日突然、モーテルに現れて、そのままいついてしまったとのことです。犬種はハンタウエイ。NZ産の牧羊犬。

Yummy..... 美味しいよ

Yummy! Sora chews on a pine cone during a walk in the forest at Wairakei.  

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Expedition .....いざ、街へ遠征

This morning we had an expedition into town to do some shopping. First to the photography studio to see a friend. Sora was invited up to see the owner. She must have been well-behaved as she was invited back! Then to the vets to buy a couple of things, and a chance to say hi to any dogs that happened to be there. Next was the bicycle shop. There she had wait outside and barked loudly for 5 mins while S was inside! As she'd been really good walking round town we came home via the lake. Sora had a great time running on the sand and splashing through the water. Now we are home she's really tired. Zzzzzzzzz. たった、2時間の間に、短い四つ足のソラのこなしたこととしては、距離も含めて、本当にお疲れだったと思う。結果として、午後は疲れすぎて眠るのにもぐずることに...

Monday, 2 May 2011

Big 大きい

After 6 weeks Sora has grown from 7 kg to 14 kg. She now eats 400g of dry dog food each day.
Tonight she went outside and stepped in her own poo. She then came back inside and walked around the living room!