Monday, 29 July 2013

Lunchtime down at the river ....

Sora often has a nice walk at lunchtime but today she went with S for an hour which is a bit longer than she normally gets to enjoy. Here she is on a small bride nearby the river.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

What is that look?

Again she wonders why S is trying to take her photograph. Late afternoon in the garden after a busy day for Sora.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Weekend early morning walk ....

As it was the weekend we all got out (not so) early and went for a reasonably long walk in and around the forest. Sora really enjoys the more open spaces rather than the forest tracks as they give her more freedom to run around. Go for it Sora!

Monday, 1 July 2013

Sora had an overnight visitor!!

At the weekend Sora had a new friend (Abi) come and stay. Abi's owners had to go away overnight and as she is only 11 weeks old they wanted someone responsible, like Sora, to look after her. Sora had a really good time, but sometimes got a little fed up of Abi's constant attention. Still, Sora was really patient and we were very proud of her. Abi is a Border Collie - Huntaway cross.