Thursday, 27 December 2012

Merry Christmas Sora-chan ....

Sora went to the rural park in Hastings again with Mindy. The big stick was being thrown for another dog but Sora got it first and wouldn't give it back!

Monday, 17 December 2012

crossing the bridge ...

In one spot in the forest there is a bridge for mountain bikers to cross . Sora has taken a liking to running across the bridge and S has been trying to get a photo of her on the bridge for months. Finally this morning she stopped long enough ..... 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

In the water again ....

When Sora visits Hastings going for a swim is not as easy as a quick walk down the lake, but the other day we found nice spot on a walk to a rural park.
Even Mindy joined in the fun in the water.