Monday, 22 October 2012

Visiting with Mindy.....

Sora visited Mindy for a couple of days. They are usually the best of pals, but Sora sometimes bothers Mindy a little too much and gets quietly snarled at.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Rough at the beach ...

It was rough down at the beach today as the wind was really strong. To Sora it was just a great time to have fun.

When she wasn't running in and out of the water she was tearing up and down the beach.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

When disturbed by S....

Sora was disturbed when S got excited or grumpy about something (I don't remember which) and fled to her house in the garage for some peace. I wish she wouldn't do that as it makes me feel really bad, but maybe that's her idea.

it looks nice inside...

Sora is an indoor dog but also loves the outside. When outside she rarely pines to come inside. The other night it was starting to rain and decided that inside warmth was a better option than outside freedom.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

At work for the first time in ages ....

Sora hasn't been at work for a while but went with S the other day. At lunchtime they walked down to the river. Sora runs up and down and has a real ball.

A typical evening ....

After dinner Sora usually relaxes a little but once she's had her 'tea' she often crashes. These are typical 'crash' poses.