Sunday, 20 May 2012

Sora's weekend .....

I don't think Sora particularly minds having her picture taken, but it difficult to get close with a camera unless she is sleeping. When you get close she will usually come over a lick you, or the camera. Consequently there are a lot of photos of Sora from this (safe) distance.

Half a Sora, what happened to the other half?

Friday, 18 May 2012

This is my ball. Really?

This is my ball, says Sora. Sora is very possessive of her balls. She seems to realise she has to bring them back for playing to continue, but is usually very reluctant to hand it over.

Night owl ....

Once Sora has had dinner and "settled down" for the evening it is often difficult to get her to go outside, even if she's had a bring drink and should go to toilet before bed. We don't know if this is because she is sleepy and just because its cold outside.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Gotta control that stick .....

When we walk in the forest Sora frequently grabs sticks or branches (some way too large to carry) and runs around with them. Sometimes the branches are odd shapes and she gets them stuck under her legs or other odd places while trying to run with them in her mouth.

Monday, 14 May 2012

This is Bud....

The other day S was outside the garden when Bud and his owner came by. Growl at that GSD if she barks at you S said to the owner. Sora did bark a little but Bud kindly stopped for a minute and said hi to Sora. Nice to meet you Bud.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Please, again ....

Yesterday Sora was lucky enough to spend much of the afternoon down at the lake. The water was quite shallow so swimming was quite difficult. As a result she spent more time on the lake shore than she would have liked. She spent a lot of time saying "please throw the stick in again".

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Another day at work ....

With M away Sora goes to S's work quite a bit. She's not really very happy but often relaxes after a walk at lunchtime. The other day she took her cushion out onto the grass and had a nap.
After work she had a run around near a large rest area on the way home.  Sora is usually full of beans at times like this.