Saturday, 28 April 2012

Tunnel vision ...

Its great that Sora has taken to swimming with so much enthusiasm as it is really good for her, however, when she gets close to the lake she has tunnel vision and does some stupid things. Today while walking along a track she jumped down a 1 metre+ bank to get to the lake. Of course S didn't see where she had gone! When he found her he realised Sora couldn't get back up the back on her own and had to be lifted. Hopefully her tunnel vision will pass as her youthful enthusiasm for things exciting wanes a little.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The end of another long day ...

Sora usually wakes at about 5 am and as she leads a pretty busy life is often tired and goes to bed quite early. When she's really tired she goes to bed even if we are still moving around to doing things. Last night she was really tired, but had fully recovered by 5 am this morning!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Happy with stick ....

Today Sora had her second annual health check and injections. She weighed 31.8 kg. On a scale of 1-9, with 5 being considered the ideal body shape, Sora is a 3, which means she is slim but not too slim. Given her spine and hip problems we were advised to try to keep her a bit light, so 3 sounds pretty good. After finding she had such health problems almost a year ago we have been surprised and very pleased at how well she has dealt with things.

After her trip to the vet she got a lunchtime walk near S's work. When she is happy she often grabs a stick and runs around. Often the sticks are small, but sometimes so large she can barely pick them up! We don't know what attracts her to such large sticks.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Looking sad .....

With M away Sora often looks a little sad.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Easter Monday, relaxing...

After a busy couple of days away Sora took it easy most on Easter Monday. Maybe it was S who needed the rest not Sora.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Hastings .....

Sora visited Hastings this weekend.
There were lots of squeeky toys so S's ears suffered.
But there was also Mindy.
To play with and give Sora lessons in bringing back a ball.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Survivors ....

Of all the toys Sora has received her two blue balls are almost the only survivors. Virtually all the others have been chewed to bits!

On guard .....

Sora loves standing, sitting, or lying by the gate watching the world go by. To some it might look as if she is on guard, but we think she is just interested in what is happening. She only rarely gets up to mischief when left at home, possibly as there are things to keep her occupied.