Thursday, 31 March 2011

Loves visitors 2 ラッキーデー・ソラ

Wow, Mr M is so cool, we had lots of play.  I also had lovely boy LM and his yummy mummy this afternoon. It's my lucky day.   ルンルン、ランラン(run run) のソラちゃんでした

Yoga Doga...Ashtanga? ドガの達人?

Can't you figure out what I am doing? Definitely not the Hatha pose...     就寝前にちょっとストレッチ

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Not a kitten! 子猫じゃない!

I've heard some people think I'm so cute I could be a kitten. Its not true! When I'm tired I can be quite grumpy and chew many things round the house and snap at ankles going by. No kitten would do that. I'm a German Shepherd, and proud of it.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Safe distance? 安全地帯?

Is this is a safe distance? She's so much bigger than me. マミーに似てる…でも、でかい… 興味はあるけど、ちょと怖い…のソラでした。

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Heavy rain today....今日はザーザー.....

It appears that Sora doesn't like heavy rain very much. When toilet time coincides with heavy rain she'd rather stay inside, with the expected consequences! But she does have a cute tail. ちょっと、いっぱい失敗…のソラでした…クスン

Friday, 25 March 2011

Loves visitors お客さまへのマナーは満点です

I've been gradually introduced to new people. ちょっと外面がいいんじゃないかって言われるけど...

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Peeping through...chewing through...the new world  世界は広いね!

Curiosity, curiosity..., everything attracts me a lot! No matter it's inside the house or outside. 子犬は好奇心のかたまりソラにとって、かじってみることは経験.、でもねぇ...フーッ

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

New cuddly 新しいおもちゃ友達でぇす。

Zzzzs with a new cuddly...thanks to MS またまた眠ってるよぉ~、こころなしか眠そうな新しい友達。

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

First visit to the vet - almost 7 kg! ドキドキドキ…

Today Sora had her first visit to the vet. She got a quick check up and M&S asked about her future injections and some other things. She was also enrolled in puppy school next week to help her doggy socialisation. Although she's only 8 weeks old she already weighs almost 7 kg. 初めて、ソラの尻尾が足の間に…でも、その後は大物でした。まさに寝る子は育つ。

Can I move now?  また眠ってしまった…

Sora enjoys an impromptu nap! これも仕事ですから!

Monday, 21 March 2011

A nice bed..... いいベッド.....

I have a nice bed in a good sized cage. M&S can shut me in when they can't keep an eye on me. But I don't like being shut in and cry lots - especially at bedtime!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

All these new things are hard work.... ふーっ&すーすー…

I'm only small and get tired easily. 昨日はちょっと寝不足だったし…

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Hello Sora! (she's 8 weeeks) ソラちゃんがやって来た...大きくなったねぇ(生後8週間)

Today was the big day! M&S drove for almost 3 hours to come and collect me. I was born at Heisenberg Kennels, but my new home is in Taupo. I slept almost all the way home, pretty good as I'm still very young and it was only my second car ride. Home is pretty nice too. I have my own bed and safe place to stay. There are lots of neat things to explore and I'll tell you about some in the next few days ......

Friday, 18 March 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow...countdown! いよいよ明日、その前に...

Two puppies (5 weeks) from the litter...we don't know..who's really is Sora yet.....

Thursday, 17 March 2011

We're novices 新米オーナー

We've been learning to be good doggy parents. まずは、本から...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Shopping  ぼちぼち お買い物

A new collar and lead for a new puppy. And something for eating dinner ......

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Puppy proof fence's up... 池のまわりに柵が...

Pukeko safe fence, too... 

Monday, 14 March 2011

Sorachan's coming...soon もうすぐソラちゃんがやって来る

Do you know?  知ってる?  I am her cuddly, by the way...thanks to KS